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Asked by: Isobel Timney
medical health pharmaceutical drugsCan you send prescription drugs through USPS?
Regarding this, can you mail prescription drugs USPS?
However, mailing prescription drugs is illegalexcept in a few certain situations. Mailing prescriptions isonly allowed by entities that are registered with the DEA.Sending your prescription back to the manufacturerfor a recall, or other dispensing error is alsopermitted.
Just so, can I mail prescription drugs through FedEx?
Licensed mail-order pharmacies use this lawfulpractice to deliver medicine to millions of patients on adaily basis. To further clarify, FedEx is not charged withknowingly shipping a substance which is unlawful to possess, use,or prescribe.
The US Postal Inspectors are like the police force forUSPS. They can open any of the mail services,though if it's one of the services in the “USPScannot” list above, they get a search warrant to openletters/packages that they believe violate federallaw.