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Asked by: Deividas Spreckelsen
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan you send TV signal wirelessly?
Furthermore, is there a way to transmit cable signal wirelessly?
So if you wanted to connect your cable box totwoTVs, you'd need to connect the box's HDMI out port tothewireless transmitter to send the signal tothe TVin a different room and use one of the otherconnectioncables (HDMI, coaxial, RCA composite, etc.) toconnect tothe TV near the cable outlet.
- Connect the wireless adapter to the USB port on your TV.
- Press the MENU button, and then select Setup.
- Select Network.
- If Network Type is set to Wired, select Network Type, andthenselect Wireless.
- Select Network Setup.
- Select Select a network.
Similarly, is there a wireless antenna for TV?
You can do all this with a ClearStream WirelessTVAntenna! We have two great options for you. Bothwirelessantennas come with 12 ft. of high-performancecoaxial cable,so, in addition to how versatile our antennasare, you'llhave flexibility on where you install the antennaforthe best broadcast signals.
wireless-cable. Noun. (pluralwirelesscables) (television) A method of cabletelevisiondistribution using prior wireless signal receptionvia amicrowave antenna.