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Asked by: Romaisaa Castelltort
medical health pharmaceutical drugsCan you ship prescription drugs through FedEx?
In respect to this, can you send prescription drugs through the mail?
There are many instances when you might wanttosend a prescription through the mail.However,mailing prescription drugs is illegal except in afewcertain situations. Mailing prescriptions is onlyallowedby entities that are registered with theDEA.
Beside above, can I send prescription drugs via FedEx?
Under limited circumstances as defined andallowedby FDA regulations, a small quantity of aprescriptiondrug for personal use might be eligible forimport. A copy of avalid doctor's prescription. Completename, address phonenumber of the recipient's licensed treatingphysician. Name &address of the drug
The majority of ADHD stimulant medications, suchasdextroamphetamine-amphetamine (Adderall,AdderallXR), lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), and methylphenidate(Ritalin),fall into the Schedule II category. They're legal, butthey'reconsidered dangerous because of their high risk of abuseanddependence.