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Asked by: Mikolaj Garcia De Mateos
style and fashion bath and showerCan you shower after indoor tanning?
Because indoor tanning beds work by UV lightpenetrating your skin (and changing the pigment), your tancannot wash away in the shower. So after spendingtime in either a VersaSpa or MyMyst Sunless Tanning Booth,you should wait anywhere from 4-6 hours before not onlyshowering, but swimming or sweating.
Also, how long should you wait to shower after indoor tanning?
2-3 hours
One may also ask, should you shower before or after tanning?
It's best to shower, shave and exfoliate a day ortwo before your tanning session. Exfoliating helpsprepare your skin before you tan. If you don't havetime for a deep exfoliation, using a loofah, brush or bath puffduring shower time works just fine.
Tanning is not healthy. It causes premature agingof the skin, as well as wrinkles, brown spots and cancer of theskin. MYTH #5: 20 minutes in a tanning bed isequivalent to 20 minutes in the sun…no bigdeal!