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Asked by: Salvi Arnanz
hobbies and interests jewelry makingCan you size up a sterling silver ring?
If you have a simple sterling silverbandthat needs to be sized up or down one ortwosizes, a jeweler can likely dotheresizing. If a ring needs to be resized more thantwosizes, doing so might weaken the metal, causing it toloseshape or break. Rings with decorative patterns aroundtheband cannot be resized.
Similarly, it is asked, how much does it cost to resize a sterling silver ring?
So you can expect a resizing to costaround$40-$100. Sterling silver rings are even lessexpensive.Silver prices are currently just$17.20/ounce.Resizing is typically just$20-$40.
Similarly, you may ask, how can I resize my ring at home?
- Clean the ring thoroughly. Soak the ring in a solution ofhotwater and dishwashing soap.
- Use a coffee stir stick to apply silicone sealant insidethering. Make sure to use clear silicone, like food grade oraquariumgrade silicone.
- Smooth the silicone with the coffee stir stick.
- Let the silicone cure.
However, as to every rule, there are exceptions too.Irecommend that you seek professional advice andalwaysconsult a jeweler (or maybe two, just to be on the safe side)ifyou really need to resize your ring. Thegeneralrule of the thumb is, a ring can be modifiedup to amaximum of two sizes.