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Asked by: Usune Leonilde
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you Spatchcock a turkey with a knife?
Furthermore, can you Spatchcock a turkey?
Roasting a juicy, perfectly cooked turkey ispossible with this easy spatchcocking technique. Tospatchcock, you remove the backbone of a whole birdand lay it flat to cook. You can spatchcock practically anybird; think turkeys, chickens, Cornish game hens and evenpigeons!
In this manner, what is it called when you remove the backbone from a turkey?
A spatchcock turkey (also called"butterflied turkey") is a whole turkey with itsbackbone removed. The turkey is then opened up like abook and laid flat before roasting.
Place the chicken breast-side up on a cuttingboard and insert a knife into the neck cavity. With the tipof the knife coming through at the other end of the bird,cut downward to separate one side of the spine from thebody.