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Asked by: Robustiana Belausteguigoitia
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you stain varnished wood?
Thereof, can you stain an already stained wood?
Staining Unfinished Wood Stained wood that hasn't had a topcoat orlacquerapplied to it can be restained using a varietyofstains. For a deep stain, leave the stainonthe wood for 5 to 10 minutes before wiping it off withacloth. For a lighter stain, wipe the surfaceimmediatelyafter application.
Furthermore, how long after staining can you varnish?
Every finish and stain is different, anddryingtimes can vary widely from brand to brand or producttoproduct. As a rule of thumb, you should wait 24-48 hourstoallow the stain to fully dry before applyingyourpolyurethane. If you're extra cautious, you mayevenchoose to wait 72 hours before applying your poly.
Wood stains are absorbed bythewood and mimic the color of a particular speciesofwood. Varnish is a clear, transparent coatingthatlays on top of the wood. Varnish is durable andhardand comes in a variety of sheens – from flattoglossy.