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Asked by: Olinta Vicinanza
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you still buy Fudgie the Whale?
Q: Where can I purchase your famous Fudgie the Whale®, Hug Me the Bear® or Cookie Puss® cakes? A: We love that these cakes spark a fond memory for many Carvel fans. You can purchase these famous characters at any fully branded Carvel ice cream shoppe.
People also ask, what is Fudgie the Whale made of?
There's a base of vanilla ice cream, topped with a generous band of chocolate cookie crumbs (known as “chocolate crunchies” in official Carvel parlance), which in turn is topped with chocolate ice cream, which is covered in a glossy fudge icing with frozen whipped cream frosting piped thickly around the border.
Consequently, how big is Fudgie the Whale?
Serving Size Information
Small | 6-8 People | 7" x 11.5" x 1" |
Large | 10-12 People | 7.5" x 13" x 1" |
There are over 400 Carvel franchises and food service locations in 24 states, according to the company, but it says its key markets are in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and South Florida.