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Asked by: Ailyn Schwellnuss
technology and computing desktop publishingCan you still buy Letraset?
Today Letraset sheets are traded on eBay and elsewhere, and sometimes used so that a designer can avoid a digital look.
Thereof, what does Letraset mean?
Letraset was a company known mainly for manufacturing sheets of typefaces and other artwork elements that can be transferred to artwork being prepared.
Keeping this in consideration, what are rub on stickers?
Dry transfers (also called rub-ons or rubdowns) are decals that can be applied without the use of water or other solvent. The decal itself is on a backing material such as paper or plastic sheeting much like a transparency.
Method 1 Using Pencil, Paper, and Paint
- Create your text using a word or image editing program.
- Print your text on a sheet of printer paper.
- Cover the back of the paper with graphite.
- Tape the paper graphite-side-down on your piece of wood.
- Trace the letters with a pencil, pressing hard.