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Asked by: Albino Andraiz
business and finance publishing industryCan you submit a book proposal to more than one publisher?
It's perfectly acceptable to send a querysimultaneously to multiple publishers. If more thanone press responds with interest, the author should study thepresses and rank them. The full book proposal should be sentonly to one press. If it passes on the project, thenthe proposal may be sent to another.
Accordingly, can you submit an article to more than one magazine?
After four times, you can probably move on.Submitting to multiple publications. It's notconsidered good practice to submit to multiplepublications in the same market at the same time. If youwant to sell an article to one magazine, don't alsosend it to their competitor.
People also ask, how do you submit a book to a publisher?
Get a publishing contract!
- Identify your genre. What sort of book have you written?
- Showcase your writing. If you want to get published, firstpublish yourself.
- Find a literary agent. Most publishers will only acceptsubmissions via a literary agent.
- Prepare your materials.
- Submit a query letter.
- Get a publishing contract.
According to the publisher's submissionguidelines, they accepted unsolicited manuscripts and said theyrespond within six to eight weeks. Well, it's been nearly ten weeksso far and I haven't gotten any response.