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Asked by: Iver Hattensaur
events and attractions zoos and aquariumsCan you swim in a pool with high pH?
Also know, is it safe to swim in a pool with a high pH?
High pH Problems A high pH also stops the chlorine andotherdisinfectants from working effectively, meaningdangerousbacteria in your pool might not die when thewater pHis high. You might not notice a difference inthewater while you're swimming, but the bacteriacouldbe harmful if it makes it into your body.
Secondly, what causes high pH in a pool?
Cause and effect of too high apHlevel An increase in the pH level can becausedby several things. A first cause is the addition ofchlorinestabiliser or HTH Granular to the pool water. AhigherpH level can also be caused by a sudden riseintemperature of the water.
Chlorine gas will lower your pH.Bothliquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) andpowderchlorine (calcium hypochlorite) will raisethepH. Liquid chlorine will raise thepHmore than powder chlorine. Either muriatic acid orsodiumbisulfate can be used to neutralize thesealkalinecompounds.