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Asked by: Dell Jakubov
family and relationships daycare and pre schoolCan you swim in the Kern River?
Just so, where can I swim in Kern River?
As you drive up the Kern River on Hwy 99 from Lake Isabella, the winding road with steep cliffs reveal lots of swimming holes. You'll see people camped out in dispersed sites all around here. Two unique swimming holes that are especially intriguing are at Limestome Campground and the other at Brush Creek Campground.
Correspondingly, is the Kern River dangerous?
Sgt. Steve Williams informs media of the dangers of the Kern River Thursday, advising the public to stay out. The Kern River is more dangerous than normal — the water levels are higher from rain and snow melting and flowing into the river, and the water is moving fast.
The Kern River Can Be Deadly.