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Asked by: Albino Ben Abdellah
style and fashion body artCan you take ibuprofen before you get a tattoo?
Similarly one may ask, what can I take before getting a tattoo for pain?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing that lets you sitorliedown without restriction (for hours, if you'regettinganambitious tat). Take Tylenol about one hourbefore-but only if you really think you'll need it.Don'ttakeaspirin or ibuprofen because they arebloodthinners.
Also asked, how long after a tattoo can you take ibuprofen?
Increased Healing Times Taking painkillers or Ibuprofen aftergettingatattoo can also cause problems.Afteryourtattooing session is complete, the inkedarea ofskincan continue to bleed for uptotwodays.
Any medication that affects yourskincanalso affect your tattoo. Accutane isone ofthemedications that can cause majorproblems withyourtattoo. Dermatologists tend to recommendwaiting atleastsix months before any procedure that involvesbreaking theskin.This includes tattoos.