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Asked by: Malek Encuentra
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsCan you talk with a trach tube?
Also question is, can you talk with a trach ventilator?
You may have a ventilator attached to the trach tube to control your breathing. You can still talk if air can get through your vocal folds. However, your voice will sound different. It may be possible to use a speaking valve with a ventilator.
Additionally, how does a trach affect speech?
Normally speech is obtained by a steady stream of air that comes from the lungs and passes through the vocal cords. When the trach tube is inserted, most of the air bypasses the vocal cords and goes out through the tube. If the vocal cords are scarred or paralyzed, the patient's voice may sound hoarse or unusual.
After getting the tracheostomy, you may stay in the hospital to recover depending on your health. You may have difficulty talking after your tracheostomy. A speech therapist can help you to regain normal swallowing ability and use your voice to speak clearly. Your trach tube will be removed when you no longer need it.