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Asked by: Wendy Benkirane
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you tenderize steak with pineapple?
Regarding this, how long do you tenderize steak with pineapple?
For cuts thinner than 1 inch, stick to about 10 to 15minutes of soak time; for moderately thick steaks of 1 to 11/2 inches, marinate for roughly 15 to 20 minutes; and for thickersteaks, marinate for about 30 minutes.
Also to know is, what is the best way to tenderize a steak?
To properly tenderize a steak, lay thesteak out on a plate and cover each side with approximately1 teaspoon of kosher/sea salt before cooking. Use your fingers togently work the salt granules into the surface, breaking down thefibers of the meat. (For even more flavor, add crushedgarlic to the salt.)
Season steaks with a papaya- or pineapple-basedrub or marinade. Papaya contains a natural meat tenderizercalled papain, while pineapple contains enzymes called bromelain.Acidic tenderizers. Vinegar, lemon juice, and even yogurthave a softening and tenderizing effect onmeats.