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Asked by: Dramane Otaegi
technology and computing wearable technologyCan you text with the Galaxy watch active?
That's because core iOS features like iMessage, Siri,andApple Mail simply don't work on the Galaxy Watch. Don'tgetme wrong, you can still see text messagesasnotifications, but you won't be able to respond tothemdirectly from the Galaxy Watch Active or send new onestoanyone.
Also asked, can you make calls from the Galaxy watch active?
Unable to Receive calls from the GalaxyWatchActive. Please Note: : You can make or checkincomingcalls and answer them from your Galaxy WatchActivehowever, you will proceed to continue theconversationthrough your compatible mobile device.
Accordingly, how do I text on my Samsung Galaxy watch?
- From your apps menu, open your carrier's messaging app.
- Scroll down to see past messages.
- To open a message, tap it.
- Tap Reply . If your watch doesn't show this option: Atthebottom of the screen, tap the blue button.
- Speak the message you want to send.
- Your watch will tell you that the message is being sent.
The Galaxy Watch Active only has one 40mmsize.The Galaxy Watch Active is quite a bit smaller thanbothGalaxy Watch devices, offering a 1.1-inch displayinsteadof the 1.2 or 1.3-inch displays. The maindifferenceis just display size, which we mentionedabove.