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Asked by: Miguelina Bockenhauer
home and garden interior decoratingCan you tile the ceiling of a shower?
If your bathroom tends to get humid or youareinstalling a steam shower, you should tiletheceiling to help protect it from moisture. Otherwise, thebesttime to install tile on the ceiling is ifyouare doing an accent wall in the shower, and wantto extendthe tile overhead.
Consequently, what do you use for a shower ceiling?
Drywall and Greenboard Conventional drywall is commonly usedforceilings in non-shower/tub areas ofbathrooms,although some builders prefer to usemoisture-resistantdrywall — a.k.a.
Correspondingly, how high should tile go in shower?
6 feet
Whether you are painting walls, ceilingsorcabinets, the choice is hands-down a semigloss paint.Thesemigloss finish is durable, washable andmildew-resistant.Ceilings in particular tend to foster moldand mildew, sincethey are not wiped down as often as moreaccessible areas of thebathroom.