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Asked by: Eudoxio Idez
home and garden landscapingCan you use a fertilizer spreader for grass seed?
Herein, what should I set the spreader to for grass seed?
For application using a pushed broadcast spreader, Scotts recommends a setting of 5 1/2 when overseeding and a bare-lawn setting of 8 1/4. With a handheld broadcast spreader, Scotts recommends a setting of 4 when overseeding or seeding a new lawn but suggests that the sower make two perpendicular passes for new areas.
Also question is, do you have to use a spreader for grass seed?
A seed spreader is a tool which enables you to evenly spread any granular substance over an area, be it a lawn or otherwise. While many lawn owners may think that they don't need much more than a mower to properly maintain their lawns, those who want their patch to be the talk of the neighbourhood know better.
It's not necessary to buy new topsoil or any special form of soil to cover your newly planted grass seed. If you spend time to prepare the soil you have, your new grass seeds will sprout.