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Asked by: Antoniya Hegai
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan you use a horizontal air conditioner vertically?
Accordingly, can you put a horizontal air conditioner in a vertical window?
Most in-window air conditioners are meant tofitinside vertically-sliding windows only, meaningthosewith larger, horizontally-sliding windows intheirhouse are left out. The guide will work forwindowsof all sizes; you just need to make sureyou measureyour space correctly so that your airconditionerfits.
Additionally, can you put an air conditioner in sideways?
Air conditioners can be turned on their sideforshipping and storage, but they should never be run orinstalledthat way. All air conditioners are alsodehumidifiers, andthe dehumidification system relies on gravity totake water awayfrom the unit and drain it from the bottom of theairconditioner's case.
No you don't need to tilt a windowairconditioner. Some people say we need to tilt it sothatwater condensation could drain easily but manufacturer has doneitalready by providing proper drain system. A windowairconditioner consists all components in asingleunit.