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Asked by: Sanyaia Thutewohl
home and garden home appliancesCan you use a Rug Doctor to extract water?
Beside this, how long does it take for a Rug Doctor to dry?
two hours
- Pour white vinegar and warm water into a large container.
- Using a clean cloth, apply this vinegar and water solutiondirectly onto the water stained area of your carpet.
- When you press the water stain, be sure to do so lightly.
- Let the carpet dry.
Keeping this in consideration, do you have to use Rug Doctor solution in a Rug Doctor?
Only Rug Doctor solutions should be usedin the Rug Doctor rental machine to avoid issues and forbest professional cleaning results. If you are usingthe proper Rug Doctor solutions, make sure the water andsolution mixture is in the lower red tank, not the upperwhite tank.
Depending upon how dirty your carpets are, mix 1/4 to1/2 cup of Rug Doctor Steam Cleaner per gallon of hot tapwater in a clean bucket. Water should not be so hotas to scald or burn skin. Note: Rug Doctor tank capacity isa little over 2 gallons; Wide Track capacity is a little over 31/2gallons.