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Asked by: Nombre Wittorf
home and garden smart homeCan you use a smart plug with a surge protector?
Yes, you can plug a smart plug intoasurge protector as long as you follow thewattagespecifications on the surge protector. However, thisisuncommon because Smart Plugs are generally bulkierandtake up more space. In result, it can coverupoutlets on your power strip.
Also to know is, what can you do with a smart plug?
Here are 10 awesome things that you can do with aSmartPlug:
- Turn your home into a haunted house.
- Take some stress out of Christmas – AutomateyourChristmas lights.
- Pinpoint energy hungry appliances and save on your nextbigpurchase.
- Set up for less vampire power.
- Enjoy the perfect temperature.
will smart plugs work without wifi?
Without an internet connectionmanyWi-Fi based plugs and switches willcontinueto operate, but some of the advanced options likevoicecontrol won't work.
Yes, Gayle. You can plug the WEMOswitchinto a surge protector and plug thelampinto the switch.