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Asked by: Willie Bakunoff
hobbies and interests scrapbookingCan you use acrylic sealer on paper?
Keeping this in consideration, what can I use to seal paper?
Not every type of glue can be used as a paper craft sealant, though. White glue is the best, which can mean children's elementary glue or craft tacky glue. Glues like rubber cement, super glue, or other very strong glues do not work as sealants.
Also, how do you seal paint on paper?
Applying a layer of varnish or wax to make the paper water-resistant to display your paintings on paper without a frame. If you paper is unframed, you can choose to apply a layer of protection from water and humidity. I sometimes use varnish and sometimes use wax for that purpose.
Using Mod Podge on Paper, Fabric, and Flat Surfaces. Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the base item. You can use a paintbrush or a foam brush. Simply brush on a thin layer, going from edge to edge.