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Asked by: Naveed Rambaldi
food and drink food allergiesCan you use any kind of yeast to make wine?
Similarly, you may ask, what kind of yeast do you use to make wine?
The most common yeast generally associated withwinemaking is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is alsoused in bread making and brewing. Other genera ofyeast that can be involved in winemaking (eitherbeneficially or as the cause of potential wine faults)include: Brettanomyces (Teleomorph Dekkera)
Keeping this in consideration, can any yeast be used to make alcohol?
Beer: Any alcoholic beverage produced by thefermentation of sugars obtained from grain. In western culture,barley is the grain generally used. Ethanol:Alcohol that is the metabolic product of yeast in thewine and beer making. Specifically, it is produced by theyeast during fermentation.
So, when you add a whole packet of wine yeast to1 gallon of wine, you are not adding too much yeast.You are simply adding the minimum amount required to support ahealthy, active fermentation. Adding less then a packet couldresult in a slow starting fermentation that will take extratime to finish the job.