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Asked by: Dobrinka Membiela
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan you use any other pods in Dolce Gusto?
Moreover, can you use other capsules in a Dolce Gusto?
Dolce Gusto® Compatible Capsules.Compatible Dolce Gusto capsules are now available foruse in your Krups, Delonghi coffee machines, thesecapsules (also sometimes called coffcan be used just thesame as the ones that you have been using in the pastproduced by Nescafé® but cheaper.
In this manner, which capsules are compatible with Dolce Gusto?
The wait is over, Real Espresso in capsulescompatible with all Dolce Gusto Machines is here. Signup for free to receive discounts and to be first to know about newproducts. Compatible with all Dolce Gusto Machineincluding: Circolo, Creativa, Fontana, Jovia, Genio, Esperta,Melody, Mini me, Oblo and Piccolo.
Yes, the pods for Dolce Gusto®can easily be recycled. The used coffee remainscan be added to your food recycling bin or compostheap, and the cleaned capsule can then be added to yourhousehold plastic recycling. If you choose not torecycle, the pods only produce CO2 and water whenincinerated.