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Asked by: Gilbert Patten
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you use canning salt for ice cream?
Then, can you use canning salt to make ice cream?
One of the other main uses for canning salt is in preserving meats like salt-cured ham or sausage. Like pickling salt, kosher salt is also free of iodine and also does not have the anti-caking ingredients. Rock salt, ice cream salt, and solar salt are used to melt ice, freeze homemade ice cream, and to soften water.
Additionally, can you use iodized salt for ice cream?
In addition, most table salt is iodized (has traces of sodium iodide or potassium iodide added to help ensure adequate iodine in the diet). Since rock salt is not intended to be eaten, it is not iodized, and if salt is sold specifically labeled for making ice cream, I doubt it is either.
The salt used in making homemade ice cream is rock salt. It is a coarse salt and should be used instead of regular table salt.