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Asked by: Haykanush Hachero
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you use cast iron on open flame?
Regarding this, can you use a cast iron skillet on a campfire?
Cooking on an open fire in a cast iron panconjures up images of rugged old west cowboys sitting around acampfire under the starry Montana sky. Sometimes youdon't need a full size dutch oven and want to cook in a castiron skillet. No need to pack along a camp stove, simplyuse your campfire!
In this manner, can you put cast iron on coals?
The final reason to stick a skillet right on thecoals is to turn your cast iron skillet into asmoker! Put soaked wood chips into a cast ironskillet and place them right on the charcoal. The cast ironwill slowly burn the wood, making your grill an inexpensive andeffective smoker.
10 Delicious Foods You Can Cook Over A Campfire
- Blueberry Orange Muffins. You can make delicious blueberrymuffins over a fire by baking them inside hollow orange peels!
- Hot Dogs.
- Bread.
- Bacon.
- Fruit.
- Kebabs.
- Grilled Cheese.
- Marshmallows.