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Asked by: Metodi Ghirardi
style and fashion bath and showerCan you use food Colouring in bath bombs?
Also asked, what can you use to color bath bombs?
The simplest way to add color to yourbathbombs is to mix it in during the bomb's liquidphase.Your colorant must be water-soluble in order for thistowork. Dyes are best for this, as micas and oxides are notwatersoluble.
Consequently, can I use soap colorant for bath bombs?
The simplest way to add colorant is toputit in during the liquid phase. You can useeitherwater-based or dry colorants — as long as theyarewater soluble. As you mix the wet phase of the bathbombrecipe, add the liquid colorant to the water afteryou addthe borax but before you add fragrance oil.
Our white bath bombs turn thewater alittle cloudy, whilst our colourful bath bombswillchange the colour of the water.