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Asked by: Zuleima Ristow
food and drink world cuisinesCan you use iodized salt when canning tomatoes?
Similarly, you may ask, can I use regular salt for canning tomatoes?
Pickling salt is used because it doesn't have any additives that could cloud the liquid in the jars. It's just pure salt. Fill the jar half to three-fourths full with tomatoes and then gently press on the tomatoes to release the juice and fill all the space between the tomatoes.
- Green beans, of course.
- Sea salt ~ this is optional, if you choose to use salt don't use regular table salt. Use sea salt or canning salt instead.
- Boiling water.
People also ask, can you use iodized salt for pickling?
Pickling salt is very fine-grained, so that it will dissolve easily. It is important to have an even salt solution when pickling. You can use a more coarse salt; just take care it's dissolved completely. Iodized salt can also turn the pickled items a darker color.
We highly recommend fermenting with himalayan salt, especially if you're trying to reduce sodium. Great, but not necessary! Pickling salt is fine grained and the purest salt, made of 100% sodium chloride with no additives. It's very popular among fermenters, but if you don't have any you can use an alternative.