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Asked by: Abul Berzosa
hobbies and interests paintingCan you use oil based poly over water based Poly?
Thereof, can you put oil based polyurethane over water based Polycrylic?
Advertisement. While both polyurethane and polycrylic can be applied over water-based or oil-based paints and finishes, you may find that polycrylic doesn't dry quickly over matte latex paint due to additives in the paint.
Besides, should I use oil or water based polyurethane?
COLOR: Oil based poly has an amber hue, whereas water based poly is clear. An oil based polyurethane will continue to amber and darken over time, while water based poly will remain clear for the lifetime of the hardwood floor. Water based poly dries much faster, and several coats (up to 4) can be applied in one day.
Oil based polyurethane lasts longer than water based. There is no contest on the durability between the 2 options. Water based polyurethane has lower VOC's - which is a bit of an environmental benefit (more about that in a moment) - but because it has lower VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds), it doesn't last as long.