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Asked by: Efigenio Berrada
hobbies and interests scrapbookingCan you use parchment paper as transfer paper?
Parchment paper is an economical substituteforexpensive transfer paper. Baking parchment paperhasa slightly waxy coat. This coat allows the image totransfereasily and without smearing. The paper is therightthickness for printing and will not stick toyourclay.
Hereof, can I use parchment paper as tracing paper?
Yes, you can. Parchment paper orbakingpaper also works like tracingpaper.
Additionally, can you use parchment paper on a heat press?
Parchment paper can be used forheatpressing transfer papers for dark color fabrics so theresultsurface is smooth. Place a sheet of parchment paper ontopof the dark color transfer paper and beneath theTeflonsheet. It is heat resistant. This parchmentpaper isreusable as long as it is clean and nodiscoloration.
Freezer paper is thick paper with aplasticor wax coating on one side. It differs fromparchment, whichhas no coating, and wax paper, whichhas a coating on bothsides.