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Asked by: Timea Mallofre
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you use regular flour in bread machine?
Then, what flour do you use in a bread machine?
Bread flour or high protein all-purposeflour is great for making high rising bread. But, ifyou want denser breads, then whole-wheatflours are your best choice.
Secondly, what happens if I use all purpose flour instead of bread flour?
But in a pinch, it's totally OK to substitute.The consistency of the dough and the structure of the breadmay vary, but you'll still be rewarded with a wonderful homemadeloaf regardless of whether you use bread flour orall-purpose flour. So go forth, andbake!
Yes, you can substitute whole wheat flour for breadflour, but you will likely be disappointed in the finalproduct. The resulting bread will be dense without a lot of"spring" in the texture. You can also buy vital wheatgluten and add it to your bread (several tablespoons to 1/4cup for a single loaf recipe).