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Asked by: Maud Puschli
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan you use regular vinegar to get rid of fruit flies?
Make fruit fly traps
In a bowl or cup, place a small amount of vinegar at the bottom. (Don't use white vinegar, but a cider variety, such as red wine, balsamic or apple cider vinegar.) The flies will crawl in and they won't be able to crawl out.
In this manner, how do you kill fruit flies with white vinegar?
Get Rid of Fruit Flies
- Pour boiling white vinegar or boiling water into drains. This is a simple way to get rid of fruit flies immediately.
- Use a hollow dish of apple cider vinegar. You can kill fruit flies naturally with apple cider vinegar!
- Use a bowl of liquid soap and water.
In this manner, does any vinegar work for fruit flies?
Apple cider vinegar is perfect: it's fruit that has been distilled to the point that it is festering liquid. White vinegar can be used to catch fruit flies, but they'll be MUCH more inclined to fly into a trap if apple cider vinegar is used.
6 Ways to Instantly Get Rid of Fruit Flies & Gnats at Home
- Create a trap by mixing apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap.
- Another home-made trap is to pour leftover red wine into a jar.
- Mash up banana slices in a jar and cover the top with a plastic wrap.
- Pour bleach solution into the bathroom sink.