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Asked by: Suleyman Turushev
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryCan you use sir for a woman?
Also asked, what is the equivalent of Sir for females?
It is the female equivalent for knighthood, whichis traditionally granted to males. Dame is also style used bybaronetess in their own right.
One may also ask, what do you call a female soldier?
Just soldiers, just as female USMC arecalled Marines, female Air Force are calledairmen, and female Navy are calledsailors.
General officer staff, as officers, are addressedper AR 600–25 as “Sir” or“Ma'am”. Each salutation shall be prefaced with theproper greeting of the day, eg, “Good Morning Ma'am” aswell as with a salute. I have never heard of a junior enlistedmember referring to a general officer by his or herrank.