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Asked by: Tillie Carmo
home and garden landscapingCan you use Styrofoam egg cartons to start seeds?
Similarly, can I use egg cartons to start seeds?
Cardboard egg cartons can be used to start a dozen seedlings, and then cut apart to plant each one when it's time to plant them in the garden. As with newspaper seedling pots, there's no need to remove the plants from the pots before planting, as the cardboard will break down in the soil as the plant grows.
- Mix your coffee grounds with potting soil and set aside.
- Cut the cups of your egg carton apart.
- Fill your individual egg cups about half full of the soil/grounds mixture.
- Add the seeds.
- Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil/grounds mixture.
Also Know, can you plant seeds in a Styrofoam cup?
Growing New Seeds The Styrofoam won't leach dangerous chemicals into the soil while you're germinating your seeds, but remove the soil and seedlings from the cup when it's time to plant them outside; don't put the cup into the ground.
Egg cartons made of cardboard can be recycled just like other types of cardboard. Foam cartons, however, are not part of your curbside program. You can also put cardboard egg cartons in a compost pile. They break down quickly and will help create rich fertilizer for your garden.