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Asked by: Maija Olscher
television special interest tvCan you use TiVo DVR without subscription?
Herein, can you buy a DVR without a subscription?
Many Cable TV subscribers pay a rental fee whichcan be replaced and are surprised that they can DVRTV shows and movies without paying. Most of these No-FeeDVR boxes also have built-in digital (ATSC) tuner. Meaningthey can play and record free-over-the-air channels such a sCBS, FOX, NBC and much more.
- #1. Fire TV Recast, over the air DVR (Digital Video DiscRecorder)
- #2. Tablo DVR for HDTV Antennas, with Wi-Fi.
- #3.Tivo Roamio OTA HD DVR.
- #4.Channel Master DVR+ Bundle.
Keeping this in consideration, can I use my old Virgin TiVo box without subscription?
There is no way of getting a TiVo box to work onVirgin TV without a valid subscription.The 'unofficial' ways stopped when Virgin Media movedto cardless authentication for TiVo. And with theeBay TiVo boxes, unless they are selling them as non-workingboxes, it's fraud.
But while the broadcast programming is free,TiVo's service for the Roamio DVR is not: The companywill charge $14.99 per month (and require a one-yearcontract), amounting to about $180 in annual fees. Competingover-the-air DVR products, such as those from Channel Master, don'tcharge ongoing monthly fees.