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Asked by: Golden Nicolei
technology and computing smartphonesCan you use Verizon prepaid phone on contract plan?
Also asked, can I use a Verizon prepaid phone on my contract?
Verizon Wireless allows prepaidphonecustomers to transfer prepaid devices tocontractaccounts. If you would prefer to use yourprepaidphone under your contract, and you have had itfor atleast six months, call Verizon's customer service andtheywill activate the phone under yourcontractphone number.
One may also ask, can you use a prepaid phone on a plan?
As long as the prepaid cell phone is ofthesame wireless provider as the SIM card, and as long asthephone has a SIM port, you will be able tousethe SIM card on the phone.
Follow the steps on your device screen tocompleteactivation. Prepaid phones: Learn howtoactivate your prepaid phone in ourPrepaidPlans and Service FAQs. If you're unable toactivate yourphone after turning it on, or if youbring your own device,you can activate it online inMyVerizon.