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Asked by: Floretta Lavergne
real estate real estate renting and leasingCan you use your security deposit to pay last month rent?
In this regard, can I use my security deposit to pay my last month's rent?
Tenants that are moving often have to give a whole new security deposit. Also, they often pay first and last month's rent to their new landlord. Using the security deposit towards last month's rent is only beneficial to the tenant. It is rarely, if ever, benificial to the landlord.
In this manner, can I pay rent with security deposit?
Covering Unpaid Rent With A Deposit We already mentioned this briefly, but the short answer is 'yes'! Yes! And that's a huge part of why the security deposit is usually equivalent to one or two month's rent since this can help to protect the landlord from not being paid.
If the deposit is considered last month's rent, then that's all it can be used for by the landlord. You're a landlord who is about to take your first tenant. You want the tenant to pay first month's rent and a deposit to cover damage and any unpaid rent should the tenant abruptly leave before the lease expires.