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Likewise, people ask, are ceramic coils safe to vape?
Prolonged inhalation as done in vaping can leadtotrachea and lung damage, as well as lung cancer. When examinedundera microscope, ceramic coils reveal many impurities andtheglass like particles are uneven, chaotic, and sharp. This dustisquite sticky and will stick to the inside of theceramiccoil.
Considering this, why does my vape taste burnt even with a new coil?
This happens to everyone and it is easy to fix.Ittastes burnt because the wick inside youratomizercoil has dried out and burned up when itwasheated. If the wick is not fully saturatedwitheliquid when you take a puff, this material can charandleave a foul taste in your mouth. Vapers call this a'dryhit.'
The best ways to stop your coil from burning are:
- Prime your coils.
- Stop chain vaping.
- Reduce power settings.
- Keep your vape tank topped up.
- Use an e-liquid with more PG.
- Try an e-liquid with less sweetener.
- Use temperature control.