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Asked by: September Pontones
style and fashion mens casual wearCan you wear suspenders with at shirt?
People also ask, can you wear suspenders under a shirt?
Basically side clip suspenders clip to your sidesinstead of the front and the back of your pants. One thingto note about the undergarment suspenders is that becausethey do clip to your pants, you can't tuck yourshirt in over them, so you will need to eitherwear an untucked shirt or an untuckedsweater.
Similarly, you may ask, can you wear suspenders with a sweater?
Suspenders Are UNDERWEAR Traditionally, suspenders should always becovered by a jacket, vest, cummerbund, sweater, or acombination of those items. It looks like your wearing yourunderwear over your clothes and don't even knowit.
You can wear suspenders with pretty much any kindof outfit you like. You can wear suspenders with atux for a formal occasion, with a suit for work, or even with jeansor shorts for a more casual look.