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Asked by: Ahamed Wehmschulte
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan you whip egg white in a blender?
Just so, how do you whip egg white?
When you whip egg whites, you'reessentiallyforcing air into the egg whites, causing theprotein in theegg whites to stretch and create bubblesaround the waterwithin the whites. As you whip themthey reachdifferent stages: Soft peaks (you can remove thewhisk orbeaters and a peak will form, and thendroop)
Simply so, what happens when you blend egg whites?
Stages of Whipped Egg Whites Foamy: The egg whites are still primarilyliquid,with some bubbles that may cause the egg whites tolookslightly opaque. Over-Beaten Egg Whites: If eggwhitesare beaten past the point of stiff peaks, the matrix ofproteinswill begin to break down and the foamwillcollapse.
Top tips for whisking egg whites: Use a clean, dry bowl. Use a hand-heldelectricwhisk, free-standing mixer, or balloon whisk.Afood processor won't give you that volume. Usetheegg whites as soon as they'rewhisked.