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As a side note, if your hand mixerandwhiskare broken, you can use two forkstobeat eggwhites stiff and create whippedcream.You mightget carpal tunnel syndrome in the process,butit's doable. Sincethey should have at least eight wires, theygeta lot more air intowhateveryou'rewhisking.
Moreover, can you whisk with a fork?
Aforkcan be substituted in a pinch! Aforkincorporates lessair than a whisk, so don't panicif ittakes a while forpeaks to form.
In this regard, how long does it take to beat egg white until stiff with a fork?
Beat eggs with an electric mixer on highspeedforabout 5 minutes. The volume of the beateneggswillincrease, the texture will go from liquidtothick andfoamy and the color will bealightyellow.
How to Beat Egg Whites Without an Electric Mixer
- Step 1: Whisk the Whites Until Foamy. Start whippingthewhitesslowly, moving the whisk back and forth the width of thebowltobreak the egg whites up.
- Step 2: Speed It Up. Begin moving the whisk vigorouslyinacircular motion.
- Step 3: Continue Whipping.