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Asked by: Sinesia Brunke
personal finance personal taxesCan you write off an uncollectible Judgement?
Keeping this in consideration, can you write off a Judgement?
In some circumstances, legal judgments can be taxdeductible. However, a host of very specific requirements andqualifications surround whether a judgment can be used as atax write off. In many cases, a judgment must be reported asincome and is not tax deductible.
Also to know, can I write off uncollectible debt?
It's not necessary to go to court if you can showthat a judgment from the court would be uncollectible. Youmay take the deduction only in the year the debt becomesworthless. Report a nonbusiness bad debt as a short-termcapital loss on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of CapitalAssets (PDF), Part 1, line 1.
Writing-Off Bad Debts Bad debts are written-off in aparticular year in relation to trade debts which can beproved, by the taxpayer, to be irrecoverable. Trade debtswritten-off as bad are generally allowable asdeduction against gross income in computing adjustedincome.