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Asked by: Douaa Helbeck
events and attractions political eventDid my absentee ballot get counted?
Also know, do early votes get counted?
On election day, a voter can vote at the pollingstation. Before the early vote is counted, officialscheck if the voter has voted at the polling station.Early votes that do not reach the polling station intime are transported to the County Administrative Board andcounted if the voter has not alreadyvoted.
Additionally, how are votes counted?
In the Electoral College system, each state gets acertain number of electors based on its total number ofrepresentatives in Congress. Each elector casts one electoral votefollowing the general election; there are a total of 538 electoralvotes. The candidate that gets more than half (270) wins theelection.
In the United States, absentee voting takes place"by mail-in paper ballot prior to the day of the election."Typically, "the voter may return the ballot by mail or inperson." States typically require that a voter fill out anapplication to receive an absentee ballot.