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Asked by: Derek Aldaburu
food and drink vegetarian dietsDid peanut butter Twix get discontinued?
Also asked, do they still make Twix Peanut Butter?
Peanut Butter Twix is back! The popular variety of Twix, which was discontinued earlier this year, features a long, narrow cookie much like a traditional Twix, but instead of caramel, it's topped with a layer of creamy peanut butter and the whole bar is then covered in milk chocolate.
- PB Max. Did you know that the peanut butter cup once had a competitor?
- Hershey's Swoops.
- Hershey's Kissables.
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- TasteTations.
- Hershey Bites.
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Similarly, it is asked, which Twix has peanut butter?
A crunchy, flavorful cookie with creamy peanut butter and milk chocolate. Enjoy this unique combination and be weary of peanut butter look-alikes, like those from Right Twix®. It's a distinct take on the original that only Right Twix® could create. Milk chocolate, smooth peanut butter and a crispy, delectable cookie.
NutRageous is a chocolate bar made by The Hershey Company. In 2014, "NutRageous" was rebranded as "Nut Bar" internationally and the weight of the bar was reduced from 51 g to 47 g. In May 2018, Hershey's released "Reese's Outrageous"; a variation of NutRageous which substitutes Reese's Pieces for the roasted peanuts.