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Asked by: Martim Raddatz
religion and spirituality christianityDid the Dutch West India Company sent families to settle the area near Quebec?
Simply so, which two groups profited from the fur trade Dutch English French Spanish?
The two countries who profited fromfurtrade were: the Dutch and Spanish.theFrench and Dutch.
Similarly, what did Dutch trading companies promise to settlers in New Netherland?
One of the things that Dutch tradingcompaniespromised to settlers in New Netherland was that theywould beable to cultivate land and therefore have a surplus ofcrops tosell as exports.
The ocean and forests of New Englandprovidedprofitable incomes. Colonists helped industriesto growby investing money in them. Puritans chose community life tobeclose to their church. The Middle Colonies werecalled"Bread Colonies" for the wheat grownthere.