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Asked by: Gaylene Steinstrasser
home and garden home appliancesDo air conditioners work in dry climates?
Herein, when should I use dry mode in AC?
It is the function which is used during the rainydays as during rainy days moisture level is very high and thismode keeps the room atmosphere cool and dry by makingthe air dry. The air-conditioner in dry modeacts as a dehumidifier by removing moisture from the indoorair.
Furthermore, does dry mode in AC save electricity?
Dry Mode doesn't act like a dehumidifierdoes, meaning it is limited in its ability to reducehumidity levels. While using Dry Mode may assist in energysaving, if used for a prolonged period of time it mightactually do the opposite and make the system work evenharder.
To the untrained eye, air conditioners cool yourhome by blowing cool air into it; the truth is that airconditioners remove the heat and humidity from your livingspaces while blowing cool air into it. ACs are able toremove heat and humidity due to the refrigerant in thesystem.