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Asked by: Valenti Federbusch
technology and computing smartphonesDo all UK mobile phone numbers start with 07?
A mobile phone number in the UnitedKingdomalways starts with the digits '07', forinstance'07911 123456'. Therefore you should add '+44' UK'scountrycode to make the number unambiguous; '+44 7911123456' willalways lead to a mobile phone in theUK.
Also, do all UK mobile numbers begin with 07?
UK Mobile Phones (Most NumbersStarting07) In the UK, most phone numbersbeginningwith 07 are UK mobile numbers*. For the mostpart, you'llpay your standard per-minute rates when calling a07 phonenumber. You'll also be able to use the inclusiveminutes on yourplan.
Considering this, what country code is 07?
Area codes
Area code | Region | Capital city |
02 | Central East | Sydney, Canberra |
03 | South East | Melbourne, Hobart |
04 | Mobile telephones | |
07 | North East | Brisbane |
The total number of digits is ten, but in averyfew areas the total may be nine digits (after the initialzero).The "area code" is also referred to as an "STD (code)"(subscribertrunk dialling) or a "dialling code" in the UK.The codeallocated to the largest population is (020)forLondon.