Asked by: Shavonne Campeny
home and garden landscaping

Do Alpines come back every year?

Most alpines can be planted at any time of year, but they become established faster if you plant them in spring or autumn. If you are unsure of the appropriate planting time, check the label or enquire at a garden centre. Alpines are not usually fussy plants but tend to dislike waterlogged soil.

Then, are Alpines perennial?

Alpine Perennial Collection. Alpines are a collection of plants that originate from mountainous or rocky regions. They have a compact habit, making them excellent for ground cover, and can be planted in borders, rockeries, raised beds and patio containers.

Likewise, how often do you water alpine plants? This can be given perhaps every 3 or 4 weeks or so when watering during the growing season.

Similarly, it is asked, do alpine plants survive winter?

Alpines are some of the most charming plants you can grow, and they're currently enjoying renewed popularity. Many alpines are hardy, so can cope with cold winters. However they don't like standing in cold, wet soil, so the main thing to consider when growing them is drainage.

When should I plant alpines?

When to plant March and April is the best time plant out pot-grown alpines. This is when the soil is moist and starting to warm up. This allows the roots to grow and settle-in before the drier summer arrives.

Related Question Answers

Kwaku Bodenstein


Can alpines grow in shade?

Light, partial and dappled shade
Many popular border plants, such as campanula, stachys and golden rod, grow happily in both sun and light shade. Some plants actually prefer shady conditions. These include aquilegia, foxglove, bleeding heart, pulmonaria and brunnera (pictured). Discover six plants for dappled shade.

Zouhir Kreissl


Do Alpines need special soil?

True alpine plants are fundamentally mountain plants. So if you think about it, you'll have a pretty clear idea of what conditions they like: thin, infertile, well-draining soil, plenty of sunshine, not too much wet. Most can tolerate winter cold, but not wet. For the soil, you'll need to make your own compost.

Sayd Oliynyk


Do alpines like sun?

Alpines need plenty of sun and a certain amount of protection.

Aguedo Vetas


Can I plant alpines now?

Most alpines can be planted at any time of year, but they become established faster if you plant them in spring or autumn. If you are unsure of the appropriate planting time, check the label or enquire at a garden centre. Alpines are not usually fussy plants but tend to dislike waterlogged soil.

Apolinario Varatojo


Do alpine plants need feeding?

Although many alpine plants grow on very poor soils, always water after planting and in very dry spells. Feed in spring with a general fertiliser at just 1⁄4 of the strength that the manufacturer recommends for other plants to ensure best results.

Sumaila Unciti


Can you split alpine plants?

Some alpine plants cannot be divided, as they tend to grow with one single, in-divisible neck, or crown, from which radiate upright or procumbent stems. These plants can be increased by making nodal cuttings of the soft tips of new shoots.

Zsuzsanna Springsgut


What is the best compost for Alpines?

Use a John Innes No3 soil-based compost, but it should have plenty of grit or sand added to keep it open and free-draining. 2) Half fill the trough and site your chosen alpines. Scoop the compost around them and gently firm them in. They should not be set deeper than they were in their pots.

Dei Springborn


How do you make an alpine garden?

Create an alpine rockery
  1. Lay the foundations. Having cleared and levelled your chosen site, add a layer of bricks or rubble to provide good drainage and start to shape your creation.
  2. Cover the foundations.
  3. Lay the rocks.
  4. Secure the rocks in place.
  5. Mix your compost.
  6. Spread the compost.
  7. Set out pots ahead of planting.
  8. Time to plant.

Annabell Garcia Uceda


Do you cut back Alpines?

You will need to tidy up and cut back alpines and rock garden plants regularly in order to maintain their healthy growth and compact shape. Most dwarf shrubs are slow-growing and so do not require severe pruning - lightly prune periodically, keeping to the natural shape of the plant.

Flerida Año


Can you use bubble wrap to protect plants from frost?

Many architectural plants come from tropical climates and need careful cosseting to help them survive. Sheets of horticultural fleece, bubble wrap and straw can be used to protect the tops of plants. If plants are too large to be indoors, tightly wrap the pots in bubble-wrap or hessian to protect the roots from frost.

Velika Krohn


How do alpine plants survive?

Thick, Waxy Leaves: Thick foliage helps alpine plants deal with excessively well-drained soil in summer and the ever-present drying winds. “Plants need to keep stomates open to allow photosynthesis and respiration, but this also lets out moisture, especially in windy conditions,” Weihrauch explained.

Carrie Rulke


What is a true alpine plant?

Alpine plants are plants that grow in an alpine climate, which occurs at high elevation and above the tree line. There are many different plant species and taxon that grow as a plant community in these alpine tundra. These include perennial grasses, sedges, forbs, cushion plants, mosses, and lichens.

Huiqin Lindo


How do I protect my succulents from frost?

-- Drape succulents with frost cloth (sold at nurseries) or old bed sheets. Avoid plastic, which traps moisture, doesn't let plants breathe, and intensifies sunlight. -- Remove collapsed leaves only if it's likely they'll stay moist and decay.

Jazmina Maruola


How do you look after rockery plants?

  1. Water after planting.
  2. Feed with a weak solution of a high potash fertiliser, such as Tomorite, in early spring.
  3. Keep picking off spent flowers to encourage the plant to produce more.
  4. Many of the herbaceous perennials can be trimmed back after flowering if they are becoming too large.

Lingli Passmann


Are Alpines Evergreen?

Evergreen Alpines. These plants will generally stay above ground through the winter months. Some may lose their leaves if the weather is extreme. An attractive rosette forming perennial with silky hairy leaves and brilliant orange-red flowers on short stems.

Jianfen Novack


What is considered Alpine?

Alpine environments are defined as being cold, windy, and snowy, and characterized by low growing season temperatures and a very short frost-free period. From: Quaternary International, 2007.

Markita Promyslov


How often should you water a rock plant?

Water living stone plants every two to three weeks, or when the soil dries out, between May and July, which is when living stones are actively growing. Soak the soil until water runs out of the bottom of the pot at each watering.

Abdelmoghit Ozouf


Can you grow alpines in pots?

About alpines
You can exploit their natural requirements sucessfully in containers. They are also very drought tolerant, so they are ideal for rock gardens or for planting in cracks between paving or walls, and window boxes.

Joanie Hardoy


Will Alpine plants grow in clay soil?

Alpines can be very easy to grow, and are not fussy!
Some need good drainage, whilst many others are perfectly happy in normal soil, and some others can even tolerate clay soil! Our handy on-line plant resource gives information on each one and lets you know exactly what growing conditions each plant prefers.