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Asked by: Ziortza Santoro
medical health infertilityDo antibiotics stop you from getting pregnant?
Regarding this, can antibiotics prevent you from getting pregnant?
Certain antibiotics can stop the pill fromworking properly. This can increase your chance ofgetting pregnant. Use a back up method, like condoms (maleor female), or do not have vaginal sex, while taking theantibiotic and a week after finishing theantibiotics.
Also question is, can antibiotics flush out sperm?
Antibiotic tetracycline may affect spermvitality, says a new study. Researchers found that malepseudoscorpions given the antibiotic tetracycline sufferfrom significantly reduced sperm health and even pass downthis harmful effect to their progeny.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Infertility The bacteria themselves don't preventpregnancy, but damage caused by an untreated infectioncan. But here's the good news: it doesn't happen very often andit's very unusual for a woman to have that level ofinfection without symptoms.