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Asked by: Romaysae Rota
style and fashion womens handbags and walletsDo authentic Michael Kors purses have serial numbers?
Likewise, people ask, how can you tell if a Michael Kors purse is authentic?
Follow the steps below to detect whetheryourpurse is real or fake. The first thing to look for atyourMK Purse for overall quality of the manufacturing.Thereshould be no fraying, poor stitching quality or any otherthingsthat jump out at you as imperfections. Next, look for themetal"MK" logo.
Hereof, do Michael Kors bags say Made in China?
They used to be but no more. The MichaelbyMichael Kors bags are made in China. Thecollectionbags used to be made on Italyuntilrecently.
According to most accounts, the bags –andgarments – that retailers like T.J. MaxxandMarshalls sell are generally accepted to be authenticgoods.Worley states, “T.J. Maxx doesn't includeabuy-back clause with their designers – which ups thepricefrom the designers – as big departmentstoresdo.”